Passing on wealth from one generation to the next is a complex and important task. It is important to ensure that the wealth is used wisely and that the family remains united.

Our family consultants are uniquely trained experts in building and supporting enterprises and communication so wealth can successfully pass from one generation to the next with family unity intact. We have served family enterprises across several East and Southern African countries.

Here are some tips for passing on wealth successfully from one generation to the next:

  •     Start early. The earlier you start planning, the more time you will have to address any potential challenges.
  •     Create a clear succession plan. This plan should outline who will inherit the wealth and how it will be managed.
  •     Communicate openly and honestly with family members. It is important to be transparent about the family's financial situation and to discuss the succession plan with all family members.
  •     Set clear expectations. Make sure that all family members understand their roles and responsibilities in managing the wealth.
  •     Get professional help. There are many resources available to help families pass on wealth successfully. A financial advisor, attorney, or accountant can provide valuable guidance.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of passing on wealth successfully from one generation to the next and keeping your family united.

Here are some additional tips that our family consultants can help you with:

  1.     Establish a family council. A family council is a forum where family members can discuss important matters related to the business and the family.
  2.     Develop a family constitution. A family constitution is a document that outlines the family's values, goals, and expectations for the business.
  3.     Provide training for family members. It is important to provide family members with training on financial matters and on how to manage the business.
  4.     Resolve conflicts early. If there are any conflicts between family members, it is important to resolve them early.
  5.     Be patient and flexible. Passing on wealth successfully takes time and effort. It is important to be patient and flexible as you work through the process.

If you are interested in learning more about how to pass on wealth successfully from one generation to the next, please contact our family consultants. We would be happy to help you create a plan that meets the specific needs of your family.